The Roads Not Taken
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- Correspondent: Jim Anderson
- Resume: mathematician @unisouthampton, trying to be a writer, follower of the way of harmony. The views expressed here are my own
Drama; cast: Javier Bardem;
; Story: The Roads Not Taken is a movie starring Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, and Salma Hayek. Sally Potter's film follows a day in the life of Leo (Javier Bardem) and his daughter, Molly (Elle Fanning), as he floats through alternate lives. The road not taken poem analysis. The road not taken by robert frost analysis. The roads not taken trailer javier bardem. Beautiful, magical Ireland! The idea to connect a poem (one of my favorites) written in New Hampshire (my birthplace) with Ireland (from whence my ancestors came) was inspired.
The roads not taken by robert frost
The road not taken audio.
The road not taken meaning. The road not taken theme. That was a great movie, thanks for showing the entire thing in the trailer. Thanks madam for helping me. And I - I took He splits the traveler into two people I took the one less traveled by traveled by means traveled on and traveled past, two opposite meanings and both (or neither) are claimed in the poem and that has made all the difference you choose and that's it. Frost goes to great lengths the entire poem to say both paths are equal, there is no better path, there is no path 'less traveled. you just pick one, like choosing a toothpaste, one is not presented as better than the other. The only thing made clear in the poem is way leads on to way. You pick and now that is the path you are on. And you are correct in that Frost wrote this about a friend of his who was constantly questioning whether he picked the right path when he and Robert used to go walking in England.
The road not taken explained. The roads not taken elle fanning. The roads not taken 2020 movie. The Road Not Taken Sheet music for Guitar | Download free in PDF or MIDI |. The road not taken summary. Say “Martin Scorsese is set to direct Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness”. The road not taken symbolism. The road not taken poem.
The Roads not taken. Having read this poem in school, i never knew this poem could be this magical! 💜😻. The Roads Not taken on 2010. The road not taken analysis. The road not taken trailer 2020. Those iambic feet will wander back into my mind. that pun is gold.

EDIT gimme a buzz, and ill let you know where we are in the queue oh 7 nine 3 9 4 five 6 2 four 3 Hi all! its the last wednesday of the month again, and its been nearly 2 years since i last did this, and 18 months since the regular meetup stopped. But i think im quite ready for another adventure into science! ill be there from about 6:15 to join the queue, for the doors to open around 6:45-7pm. thing have changed, you now need to book a ticket (free) to get in book free admission here we no longer have a whatsapp group, as it was so long ago, so ill make a new one, but wont add you until after ive met you in person i plan to get there for about 6ish, to get towards the front of the queue, so we can get in sooner. Science Museum Lates are adults-only, after-hours theme nights that take place in the museum on the last Wednesday of every month. MEDICINE LATES: WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY 2020 Join us for Medicine, a Lates celebrating the opening of Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries. Discover more about some of the curious and creepy cures used to keep us healthy in days gone by, discuss the history and horrors of the humble condom and listen to songs performed by the NHS choir who achieved Christmas No 1 in 2015 and performed on the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury. Plus, all the regular Lates highlights will be here for you to enjoy, including live music and the best silent disco in town. INFORMATION FREE EVENT DATE: Last Wednesday of every month TIME: 18. 45–22. 00 PRICE: Admission free although requires you to book an admission ticket, so they can gauge numbers - book free admission here AGE: Over 18s only map Download map and guide promo video HIGHLIGHTS A HISTORY OF THE CONDOM From sheep-gut sheaths to reusable linen, join us in our Hans Rausing Lecture Theatre to discuss the history of the condom. THE ORGAN ON A CHIP SHOP Stop by the Organ on a Chip shop to learn how researchers are making miniature cell culture devices to mimic human organs, improving the way drugs are tested. Feeling creative? Join us in the kitchen and make your own Organ on a Chip keyring! LEWISHAM & GREENWICH NHS CHOIR Listen to songs performed by the NHS choir who achieved Christmas No 1 in 2015 and performed on the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury. Members of the choir work in a range of departments and reflect the diversity of roles in the NHS today. THE ‘ELIMINATION’ GAME Come and try your hand at physically ‘eliminating’ some of the world’s oldest neglected tropical diseases. And while you’re at it get a unique photo taken of your iris. TRANSPLANT INNOVATIONS This talk will cover some of the cutting edge innovations in transplantation including the use of machines to pump human organs and manipulate them, 3D printing for surgical planning in complex transplants in children and the use of robotics in surgery. PEDAL POWER: THE SCIENCE OF CYCLING Professional road-racing cyclists are among the fastest humans on the planet. But what does it take to propel them to such speeds? Coinciding with the publication of the latest edition of The Road Book, the world's most comprehensive guide to World Tour cycling statistics and race reports, the book's editor Ned Boulting delves into the science behind the sport. Tickets for this event are £10. For more information and to book tickets, please visit the Pedal Power page. REGULAR EVENTS Space Descent VR with Tim Peake: 35% off the usual ticket price. book here Museum Wonders: Join our curators to uncover the mysteries of objects not usually on display—and tell us if they remind you of grandma's sofa, your favourite childhood holiday or that weird smell on your commute. Screen Grab: Print your own poster with our team of experts. Talkaoke: Chat, discuss, converse and pontificate on the current topics picked on the night. Silent Disco: Whether you’re practising your moves or just in the mood to slam dunk the funk, grab a headset, select your tunes and dance until you drop. £2 tickets available in the Exploring Space gallery on the night. British Sign Language events at Lates: Join us for BSL-interpreted events and activities.
The Roads Not taken on 2008. The road not taken interpretation. The roads not taken a video of the real road. The road not taken. Oscar bait. Looks decent enough tho. Wish I could visit this beautiful historical place, breathtaking when I see the old place and imagine about the people who lived there, can't explain in words. I found this very useful, i hope someone else does too. The poem describes the act of making choices within one�s life is solely responsible for the outcomes one produces. Frost speaks of the decisions one encounters as they journey through life and how at several points, one would come to a �fork� where the individual would have to decide which road (or decision) is best for them. At such points, Frost goes further to describe how one would contemplate whether or not the individual would like to take the road that has been traveled more or embark upon their own path. Because life is full of forks and divisions, it is not possible that one can choose one way and decide to turn back for the other. In essence that a life-changing decision is �life-changing, � it is all the same impossible to turn back and take the other road. �The Road Not Taken� possesses a solemn tone. The poem speaks very much about the decisions one must make should they continue through their life. Frost explains how �two roads diverged in a yellow wood, � and the speaker �taking the other� after �long [he] stood� has �made all the difference. � He acknowledges that the choices he has made and will make will greatly affect his future; therefore it is not a matter to be taken lightly, thus explaining his solemnity in the matter. The speaker realizes that both roads were �equally laying� �just as fair, � which makes them �really about the same. � The fact that there was not a significant difference between the two roads makes it difficult for the speaker to choose which road he would like to take. He understands that the choice is critical and does not treat life like a game, to be jokingly selected. He therefore �looked down as far as [he] could to where it bent in the undergrowth� to figuratively examine how one decision would affect his life. It is reasonable how the speaker would adopt such a solemnity while making such a decision as he would hope to make the best decision and not have any regrets. In the way that a fork in a road symbolizes a decision and a journey symbolizes a quest, the speaker is seeking to continue his life and gain self-knowledge. To the speaker, his pursuit is important, and that supports his taking on of a solemn tone. Though it is elaborate, the poem�s diction contributes to highly reflective imagery. The act of speaking in past tense for the majority of the poems develops the symbol of passing time. Frost also selects several words such as �yellow wood, � �long, � �just as fair, � �sigh[ing], � �ages and ages� portray that the speaker has been on the earth for quite a bit of time. A �yellow wood� symbolizes autumn: a time when trees loose their leaves, and life gets ready to die away for winter. It is typically accepted that autumn is a time of aging, and one is approaching winter: the time of death. With both the roads having been worn so much that they were �just as fair, � it must have taken rather some time for both to be worn to the same level. Frost goes further to explain how each road was like the other in the morning. �Morning, � when looked upon literally would define a new day, and from that one would connect figuratively that morning signifies a new beginning and thus a passing of time. As time passes, one would grow tired, hence the �sigh. � In the final verse, the speaker refers to the future where he �shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence. � This is after many years of careful contemplation. The whole idea of passing time demonstrates how the decision-making process goes on for one�s entire life. The �two roads diverging� is just one out of many decisions to be made. On one particular road, however, there was a �bent in the undergrowth. � Figuratively speaking, a bend in a road is an obstacle, and in this case, it was an obstacle in one of the choices in the speaker�s life. When one works around an obstacle, it adds to length; this being a length in time. In many ways, them poem has a time motif, where life is a long and intricate situation to go through. By stating how the roads were �grassy and wanted wear, � the speaker is embarking on a new journey. This embarking is just another decision the speaker must make that will inevitably decide for the outcome of his life. Because none of the leaves on the roads were �trodden black, � he is not taking the road others have taken, but making the way for his own life and being the first to make such a decision. The speaker also knows that �way leads onto way, � so even though the speaker has made a decision to travel one road, the decision-making is continuous, and life does not stop for him to retrace his steps and try the other road. The particular choice he made, however, has made �all the difference, � and that signifies that his contemplation has proven him a dramatic change in his life. The poem�s language is simple, but the complex syntax connects the punctuation and words to the thesis. Robert Frost wrote this poem in a few different combinations of tertrameter which employs a simple rhyme scheme and the varied effects of these schemes. By writing in such a fashion with the entire poem composed of four sentences, he is able to equate the feeling of many years passing by to the length of the sentences. These sentences are characterized by compound, complex. The very idea of compound and complex sentences is that they are long and elaborate, similar to that of the continuous life-altering decisions made every day. In addition to drawing out the ways how �way leads on to way, � Robert Frosts also inserts punctuation in several places. Punctuation itself, especially in poetry, can signify a range of things: a period meaning an end of a thought, a comma showing a pausing moment, a semicolon to connect ideas, and a dash to show large contrast. Acknowledging that, Frost tends to place the commas where he is describing the two roads. The commas, like the words making up the compound and complex sentences, force the audience to read his poem with the intended pauses, obviously to indicate the idea that decision-making is not a quick and easy task to do. The semicolons are also used similarly with the commas; however, they provide a contrast of images as well as the lengthening of the sentence, such as that of the road with the �bent in the undergrowth, � and the other that �was grassy and wanted wear. � It is through these commas and semicolons that Robert Frost extended what would be a simpler sentence into a little more than two full stanzas. There is the one colon and dash where it has �Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I�I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. � The colon specifies the change between the past and the future when the speaker tells of his past decision and how it will affect him versus the future when he will be looking back at his past and how that has affected him. The dash signifies a pause and provided for the repetition of �I. � The repetition carries a hint of pride and pomposity. Though it may not be a likable quality, the speaker is also stating at the same time that because he decided for himself without the influee of others and embarked upon his own journey, he has emerged successful and �made all the difference. � The fact that his decision was the better one sentimentalizes this particular time and will allow him to go on and make the better choices in his future when he meets up on another road. That is crucial to understanding the concept of �The Road Not Taken. � Recognizing the value of �The Road Not Taken� can be a difficult thought to let go. Many would always have the urge to head back and travel down the other road instead just to experience what may happen. However, Robert Frost wants readers to realize and accept that life is too full of decisions to retrace every single diversion. He wants readers to be content with the road they have taken and not doubt the other road not taken may be better. To travel every diversion in a road would take more than a lifetime to accomplish, and as long as one is still alive, there will forever be diversions in the roads they take. if you found this useful-say hello to a random person tomorrow-it will make their day! Editor, please don�t remove these last two lines!
The roads not taken 2020. The roads not taken bardem. The roads not taken.
The roads not taken imdb.
I miss my father. Haven't heard from him since 1998. I'll read this poem at his funeral because it's the only memory I have of him. The roads not taken cast. The road not taken. The roads not taken movie 2020. The road not taken 2020. If you are new to the Mixer Family Welcome! I have seen an influx of posts recently asking about streaming settings and how to grow. The hardest part about researching is finding different tips on different websites. So I decided to put them all into one place so I can easily look over them and add/change anything that I needed. I thought about posting it online in case it can help anyone and get feed back: Streaming Tips & Setup Guide: Set up Mixer Account Put time into making a great name that can be easily remembered and don’t use over populated generic words. ***Ask yourself “If you are a viewer and all you had was 5 mins to remember a name, would you remember that name tomorrow if you wanted to? ”. Getting a profile picture "brand symbol" (again take time into making it unique, simple, and easy to see). *Keep in mind that it might be worth making something that can be easily be alerted between colors in case you need to use it in different places for different things. Ex. Putting it on different colored shirts. Start streaming. The best advice I have found that has help me the most is "Don't be afraid to be new at something! " Breaking that wall of your first stream is very important. There is a point where you can do all the research in the world but when the time comes just bit the bullet and just do it (no pun intended). It will give you a good idea what you are in for and if it is something you would enjoy. Get a microphone and a webcam. You can use a webcam or a real camera to stream. If growth is your goal you must have a microphone and some form of camera. Viewers want to have interaction and the biggest part of this is your face. Think of it as a one on one conversation between you and a person. The viewer (camera) is the other person you are having a conversation with. ***If using a Cannon DSLR camera, the usb cable that it comes with plugs right into the pc (need to download software for your pc to connect to it) and can be used as a great streaming webcam to start with. Just put the camera in video mode. Camera angle. This is VERY IMPORTANT. You need to make it eye level or above. Keep in mind not to make it too high though. You never want to make it lower than eye level because you make the viewer feel small and insignificant (the viewers don’t want to see up your nose). To high and you will make the viewer feel like they are floating above you. You want to find the middle ground. Use some movie magic to find that great angle. Experiment with it. There is a reason why all selfie photos are taken at the same angle. ***Remember if you don’t like the angle chances are the viewer wont either. Watch others stream. This is the best way to gain an idea of how to improve your stream and generate new ideas. NEVER copy anyone on what they are doing but allow them to aspire you for new ideas on how to improve your own stream. Follow and watch yourself. Starting off your streaming carrier with no followers and no live viewers is nearly impossible. Tell as many people as you can to help get you small follower/viewer base. Also use your phone or tablet to view your own stream. Mixer counts every viewer with a different Mixer account as a viewer. So you should never start a stream with 0 viewers. How often do you jump into a stream with 0 current viewers? *Just keep in mind it eats up internet to do so. Support system. *Having a support system is KEY to success on Mixer. My Wife is the best example of this. In the moments when I am burned out of streaming, she encourages me to play games with her and stream it. She knows how much passion I have for it and always pushes me to greatness. Point is get people behind you! Friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, or find someone to share your passion with. I cannot tell you how many times that after she pushes me to stream I end up having the best stream I have ever had. Find someone to talk in chat. This goes with number 7. If you find someone to help back you up and they are serious as to helping you out. Ask them to be more active in chat. It will draw people in and when people are in the stream, encourage them to join in chat themselves. Which in the end helps you with being more responsive to your viewers. Lighting. Light is the best source to a better webcam image. Great lighting can improve ANY camera you are using for a webcam. Don't be afraid to be seen! *Put the light source in front of you. I came across a stream once where the streamer had a light directly behind him so all you saw was blinding light and a silhouette of a face. If it’s not pleasing to you then chances are it’s not pleasing to other viewers. Set Camera to manual mode. You cannot be a streamer if you are afraid to study and learn. Take the camera off of auto mode and learn how to better improve it by adjusting just a few things. All of this research and trial and error is part of the process on how to become one of the elites! Make sure you understand what the settings do and why they are set the way they are. F3. 5, 1/60 Shutter Speed, ISO is a great way to increase your brightness but also don’t make it to bright that it washes you out. Stream on a Schedule. This one was the hardest for me because it forced me to put the rubber to the road. I can research all day but when it comes down to being consistent I knew I wasn't the best at it. Like all things that come to streaming you have to just bit the bullet and do it. I sat my wife down and came up with a schedule that she agreed with and that we could play video games together. *Most established streamers stream every week day for around 8+ hours and take the weekends off or have bonus streams that weekend. Must Have Social Network. If you are serious about streaming then you must get on social media. YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter. If no one knows you are streaming then how do you except to get viewers to show up. I would suggest use platforms that you already have a following on first and start a YouTube page for your brand first. Don't overload yourself with starting so many social media pages right off the bat. You will find it very difficult and time consuming to keep up with all of them. Easy yourself into one or two at first. Use some type of streaming software (like OBS). There are plenty of free streaming services that are out there. I have used OBS, Streamlabs, and Streamelements. These software’s do take some time to learn but are super powerful tools to increase your streaming quality and gives you so much more control over what you can do. *Don’t feel discouraged as they can seem to be overwhelming. Just keep pushing through and I promise you will figure it out. Run OBS As Admin: Right click on OBS and run as Admin will tell the computer that OBS is top priority and will give as much resources it needs first before putting them to other applications. By default running a game will take priority over OBS. Set Encoder to NVENC: Encoding to NVENC uses your graphics card (GPU) instead of your processor (CPU) to encode your stream. This is great for graphic cards that are GeForce GTX 1050 and above. What this means is your graphics card has a separate processor built in just for streaming/capturing purposes that doesn't effect game play. Every computer is different so I recommend while looking at load% of the CPU and GPU see what runs best. Use Lower Settings (OBS Settings)! Learn from my mistake!!!!!!!!!!! It will make your life so much easier to stream in 720p with 30fps. ********* BASE CANVAS MUST MATCH YOUR CURRENT GAME RESOLUTION **** I currently view my games in 1080p. That is my set base canvas. I Output to 1280x720 with 30 fps with 4500 bits. The reason for this is just because you have a computer that can output 1080p+ or internet that can handle it doesn't mean the viewers will see it in that resolution. Understand that you want you stream to be viewed by as many people as you can. The person who finds your stream with a much older phone and hardly any internet connection could turn out to be your biggest fan and it’s better to have your stream run flawlessly for everyone then great for only a select few. Later on once you are partnered you will have the ability to downgrade your stream automatically. To determine a good base bitrate for your stream you need to aim for 0. 1 bits per pixel. This also varies for each device so it just takes time and experimentation to fine tune. So start at the base and then work your way up to find what all your device can handle and choose what looks the best (WITHOUT LAG) for your stream: Bitrate can be calculated by: ResolutionX * resolutionY * fps * bpp / 1000 = bitrate For 1280x720p: 1280 * 720 * 30 * 0. 1 / 1000 = 2764. 8 bitrate Set Short Term & long Term Goals. *************** You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. ********************* So why wouldn't you? Set long term goals to give yourself the big picture of where do want to take this? Set short term goals to be stepping stones to your long term goals. If you set a goal to get partner in one year and that is the only goal you set chances are you won’t ever get there. You will lose focus and put it off until tomorrow because it seems unreachable. Year Goal: Partner. Short Term Goal is 20-50 Followers in One Month. Feel free to add weekly or even daily goals. Use Ethernet. If you’re a gamer then you should already be addicted to being hardwired into your network. If not, then you need to be addicted! Wifi is not as strong and is not as reliable. Getting an Ethernet cable to connect to your machine that is streaming. If you don't have space on your router then get a switch. When I was growing up the router was down in the basement and my room was on the top floor (3 stories). I found a 500ft Ethernet cable and made a hole that went right beside the air conduit that went straight into the basement (with my father's permission and help). Point is when there is a will there's way, be creative and come up with a solution. ***They make different cables with different speeds. If you have a 100+mbs connection speed then don't go out and buy a cable that only can handle 30mbs, you only limit yourself. Growing Your Stream Tips 1. How much time have you spent on stream while OFFLINE? *******How do you except people to spend more time watching your stream when you haven’t put in the effort either. *** You can tell really quickly who is serious about their future streaming and who is not. Every channel has an empty description section by default, the least amount you can do is fill it out. Think of it this way. You are a viewer who wants to find a new streamer for a game you want to start watching. You come across two channels. Each similar with the quality and sound of the stream. The first streamer put in hours of work and effort to make their page look awesome and well organized and maybe even has a really cool overlay. You look at the second streamer and see a simple break down to less than one paragraph that he says how he has a dream to become a full time streamer one day. Chances are you will pick the first streamer every time because you know he takes his stream more serious and won’t just quite streaming randomly. 2. About Me / Channel Set Up: Your channel description is a very important aspect of your overall look and feel to your streaming channel. This field should never be left blank but also should never be rushed in filling it out. First impressions are important and the About Me needs to peak the interest the viewers enough to continue reading but be careful not to sound desperate. Over time your channel About Me page should change and improve with adding better banner labels, better break downs, and including any information that your viewers need to know like sponsors. This is also where you let your own personality shine through. You channel About Me page can set the mood/theme to what your overall streaming channel is about so keep that in mind. ****MAKE SURE YOU VIEW YOUR OWN CHANNEL IN THE MOBILE APP TO SEE IF YOU NEED TO MAKE ANY CHANGES**** 3. Labeling your stream. Labeling your stream is one of the most important things you need to master. *****Mixer only shows a few words of the title in the scrolling page so keep that in mind. **** Viewers need valuable information that is inviting and positive to peek their interest to click on your stream. a. DON’T: i. Don’t use another streamers name in the title. Ever! (unless you are playing with that streamer) ii. Don’t put the title of the game you are playing. It is right under your title and if you do it just takes up valuable space. iii. Don't have a title that bashes the game you are currently playing. (ex. Call of Crap, I hate this game ex) No one wants to watch a person play a game they hate iv. Don't use to many acronyms, not everyone understands them and it’s hard to read v. Don't put now accepted embers. Everyone is able to be accepted into the program. It is a very exciting thing to be accepted into but honestly as a viewer no one cares. They give embers to you once you prove your worth not because it’s it in your title. vi. Don't put rank or anything saying that you are the best. It's not a good selling point. If you have to tell people you are the best chances are you’re not. Even if you are the best let your game play speak for itself and for those rare people that care, they can look on leader boards for it. You are honestly limiting yourself by boasting you are at the top of the leader boards because the majority of people don’t enjoy a show off. b. DO i. Stay positive and inviting ii. Keep it short and simple while giving the most important information iii. Most important information up front. iv. Describe what you are doing in your stream. We can see what game you are playing but what are you doing in that game? Are you playing duos or with friends? Viewers need valuable information that is inviting and positive to peek their interest to click on your stream v. Keep it up to date. If you change game modes or change games let your title reflect that change. You can do it while live. 4. ALLOW CHANGE. How can you grow yourself and channel if you don’t allow change. I first started using standard OBS, then went into Streamlabs, and now I am currently using Streamelements. Don’t ever be afraid to try something new just because you are conformable where you are. There could be better things out there and all you have to do is try them. Just keep the tools and technique that work and throw out the ones that don’t. ****This goes for every detail of your stream! Always find better ways to improve. 5. DON’T EVER Jump into someone’s stream and talk about your own stream. This also goes towards complaining to other streamers that your stream has no viewer/followers. You will not gain any followers from doing this and it just makes yourself look bad plus it destroys your current relationship with that other streamer. If they want to promote you allow them to do it on their own terms. Grow that relationship first and if you stay on honest and positive terms they might be planning on promoting you in the future when you get your stream fully set up and looking good. You spent weeks, months, years, and countless long hours building your channel and brand just to have some new streamer join your game and say “Ya I am streaming too. Or Follow me to on YouTube. ” It doesn’t gain you anything but disrespect and shows you truly are not serious about streaming because you don’t want to put in the hard work that is required. 6. Learn how to Promote Yourself. *********** You should not be thinking about self-promoting when just starting off. ********* You should perfect it way before you think about promoting it. You don’t want to lose a possible viewer/follower just because you are jumping the gun. It is critical to learn when the best time it is to promote yourself and when it is not the best time. The only real ideal time to self-promote is in a one on one setting, face to face. The rule of thumb is just do the best you can and allow people ON THEIR OWN to promote you. Other than the face to face conversation about your channel there is no real best situation to self-promote your channel. The issue is it can always come across selfish and rude and no one wants to help someone with that type of mindset. 7. HARD WORK. Let’s be real. It takes months and years to build your streaming channel. If you are serious about being a streamer there is no short cuts or cheats. It takes hard work. 8. Don’t beg for donations. ***The key is to try and find middle ground. Putting it up too soon will make you look like you are begging and just streaming to get money. To late and you might miss the opportunity for someone to show their support who may not visit your page again. ******** Don’t put your donation button first or anywhere near the top of your page. No one joins a random channel just to donate 5 dollars. If you have it up at the top it makes you look desperate and only in it for the money. You also can sign up for embers which can also take place before you put donating button up. *****Don't use your personal PayPal Account because people will be able to go to your profile and read information like address and email. Set up a "business" account (I have only read this and have not confirmed this for myself). ******** 9. Why do you stream? If you knew that you would never become a professional streamer and never make any money would you still stream? If you are streaming just to make money you need to save your time and effort and do something else. Streaming takes time and is never instant. You must endure the long grinding part of growing (sometimes alone) in order to see even a small amount of followers and viewers. If your heart is set on money you will never last this difficult phase that can happen multiple times. You need to love it no matter the outcome. 10. What Platform to use? I see this asked a lot. My question is what is your favorite platform to stream too? If that is Mixer great. If that is Twitch great. In the end it will be a very long process with you streaming and building your channel. So why stream to a platform that you don’t like. The way I see the different platform is like stocks. You don’t know what the future holds so you might as well stick to the one you like and enjoy the ride. 11. Followers are not important. Never use follow for follow. Or Lurk for Lurk. Constant viewership is. There is a reason why Shroud got paid millions to move over to Mixer. It’s not because he had 7 million followers but every time he streamed he had 30k – 50k live viewers. Do you think he would have gotten paid the same amount if he had 10 million followers but every time he went online he only averaged 5k viewers? Keep in mind the importance of continuing to grab the attention of your audience. Focus on being an entertainer and not a follower beggar. 12. Are you watching yourself? I personally need to do this more. We all have areas of ourselves that we don’t like. But we have to watch ourselves in order to understand that it is a key factor on how to improve. 13. Be an actor. There are reasons why certain actors are always a part of your favorite movies. Because they have learned and perfected to keep you entertained no matter what they are playing. They bring themselves into whatever character they play. Streaming is very similar. Would you watch an actor if he just stood there. Not interacting with the other actors and never showing any emotion? 14. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHER STREAMERS. If you are comparing yourself to other streamers then you have not found yourself as being a streamer. The phrase find yourself is used at lot and at first it is hard to understand and define. You need to start streaming and build up what you want to become as a streamer. This is based on you and your personality with NOTHING else interfering. 15. What to wear when streaming. Remember that first impressions are always important and you have less than a min to gain the interest of people new to your channel. If you decide to dress as a character then make sure it is well thought of and different. I personally think that you as yourself is the best thing to use. If we look at the top streamers they all have in common that they don’t wear anything special and that you see them as themselves majority of the time. The reason for this is because you have to think about the masses. The majority of people viewing want to see a streamer that has a clear stream that makes it easy to see their reactions to the games they play. If you wear something that blocks that reaction you are limiting your viewer base. 16. Be Different. ******** Being you is simply being different ********** The statement "Be Different" can be very misleading and you hear it being used everywhere. This statement needs to happen in order for you to attract viewers and followers but not the way you think. This does NOT mean that you have to play upside down hanging from your toes while wearing a dinosaur costume in order to get new viewers to watch your stream because no one else is doing it. This doesn't even mean you have to put something on in order to attract viewers. We are ALL different. We ALL have different likes, dislikes, how we run our channel, and even how we play video games. Use your different personalities and mix it with the different way you do things to make yourself different then anyone else. 17. Think About Long Term. This is tricky because you don't want to lose yourself into thinking about the future and miss what you need to be doing now. You need to keep a small reminder in the back of your brain that is always asking. If I did have 10, 000 viewers would this work. It is best to practice great measures to help prepare for the future then to have things in place just for them to fail later on in your career.
The roads not taken analysis.
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The roads not taken film 2020 trailer. The roads not taken summary.
The road not taken read by robert frost
The roads not taken trailer ita. The road not taken analysis line by line. 59965 Views / Artist: Isa Rajilpour Isa Rajilpour - The Road Not Taken Release Time: مهر, ۹, ۱۳۹۳ Music: Isa Rajilpour Arrangement: S. Farahzadeh 305 likes Download Mp3 320 kbps Download Mp3 128 kbps. Organize your Tour like a Traveling Business Designate a Tour Manager The Tour Manager, or TM, is the director of all of the artist’s business and professional activity. Tour Manager responsibilities include answering the phone, reading contracts, recording income and expenses, logging mileage, resolving crisis on the road, and making sure the band shows up on time. Tour Managers will act as the liaison between the band and all other parties involved in the tour, such as the venue production & hospitality, the Booking Agent, and the Artist Manager. Google Drive is your new best friend Personally, I recommend that your Tour Manager operate a Google Drive Account that everyone in the band can access. Google Drive is a widely accepted and cost-effective option for cloud storage that can be immediately accessed by band members and management alike. Any,, or file can be imported and viewed on any phone or computer. I recommend using a G Drive account for things like Day Of Show Itineraries, Driving Schedules, and General Show Data. Additionally, your booking agent ( if you have one) will provide the TM with their spreadsheet for booking and routing. Collect & Consolidate Show Data Your TM or Manager should be up keeping a Google Sheet to reflect your business expenses and incomes on the road. The example below is hypothetical, but the more data you are able to collect, the easier it will be to see your progress and (hopefully) growth as a band and as a business. Hypothetical Show Data Example In the Show Data example above, I have collected data from each date on the tour and included information about the venue, the city, the performance fee & type of Deal, the # of Tickets Sold and the ticket price, as well as general notes. When collecting your own Show Data, you could also keep track of things such as: Where you are sleeping that night + Contact Info Expected attendance vs Actual Attendance Notes about the Performance Notes about the Hospitality Merchandise Sales All other Band Expenses Create a Driving Schedule: Driving schedules are not essential, as every band has their preferred driving routines, but creating a driving schedule allows everyone knows how far away the next venue is ( and will keep someone sober after the show…). This is just an extra step in being prepared and organized on the road. If you decide to make a driving schedule, here are some things to consider: How long is the Drive from Point A to Point B? What time is load-in at the next venue? Plan on Traffic — Big cities add at least an hour For every 3 hours it takes in Google Maps, add another hour. (3 hours = 4 hours) Are there time-zone changes? Where do we park for Load-In/During the Show? Perform a Day-Of-Show Advance Advancing the Show is the process of confirming the details of your performance with the venue or the promoter in advance of the show. Day of Show Itinerary for Band, the Band! There are two stages in the Show Advance: The first Advance is when you sign the Performance contract. This will be the time to review and negotiate things like the Hospitality Rider and the Performance Contract. The 2nd Advance, or Day-Of-Show Advance is a courtesy from band management to venues and production staff. This is the time to double-check concerns like parking and any last minute hospitality needs. You should use this data to build a Day-Of-Show Itinerary. This is your opportunity to keep the ship sailing as smoothly as possible — so keep everyone on the same page about load-in times & location, parking, doors & soundcheck, set time & length, hospitality such as wi-fi & dinner options, and venue contacts. Of course, you should stay in touch with the next venue on your tour if any thing changes in your timeline, such as being stuck in traffic & arriving late to your Load-In. Build a Tour Budget Before you leave for tour, the TM should make a list of expected income and expenses while on the road. Hypothetical Tour Budget for a 16 Show Tour Don’t forget to include a safety net for things like the van breaking down or a medical emergency. When making a tour budget, remember that fewer expenses is better than greater income. Download Gas apps for finding cheap gas, sleep on cots in a friend’s house instead of buying a hotel ( “Friends who live in X Location” as a Facebook search parameter is a great way to find people that can house you in between shows). Eat as much free food as you can find, and bring a cooler with you for storing leftovers and snacks. Gas Station food is incredibly over priced, so hit a grocery store instead, it will save you and your band hundreds of dollars. If you are a coffee drinker, I recommend taking caffeine pills instead. Try and save money everywhere you can. Don’t forget to get the money If you do not have a Tour Manager, make sure the band designates someone who, every night, performs the Settlement process. Settlement is when the Promoter of the show/Venue Owner goes through an itemized list of income and expenses with the Artist and then pays out the remaining balance. Lets break down a settlement sheet together: Hypothetical Settlement Sheet for Band, The Band! This is a 90% of Door Deal, with a $300 Guarantee for the supporting artist. This settlement sheet is broken into 3 sections: Ticket Sales, Expenses, and Split of Total Net. For this show, tickets were priced at 3 tiers: Advance ( $12), Day of Show ( $15), and VIP ( $50). Note that the Sales Tax ( 8. 9%) is taken directly out of the Ticket Sales Gross before any expenses are factored in. Expenses generally include Overhead and Production fees (included here in Room Rental), as well as Marketing, Hospitality, and Police expenses. In this example, the Direct Support has been chosen by the Venue. If the Headlining Artist brings their own support, the $300 guarantee would be taken out of the Artist’s 90% Net instead of listed as a Venue expense. For the Total Net, the deal is divided up 90% to the Headliner and 10% to the Promoter. If this show did not sell any tickets, the Promoter would be on the hook for covering all venue expenses, including the Direct Support Guarantee and Room Rental. Luckily for this show, everyone walked away with a little bit of money! If there is a problem with the money, Settlement is the time to address it. Do not email a venue 2 weeks after your show because you were paid less than you are owed because of negligence during Settlement. Lastly, do not take an IOU from the Promoter. In my travels, I have been approached by a promoter who did not sell enough tickets to recoup the cost of putting on the show and could not pay us. In this situation, remember that they have signed a performance contract that legally obligates them to pay you and not a penny less! If this is a concern of yours, there are many non-profit legal teams that will represent artists in civil cases. Since I live in Georgia, I can recommend the Georgia Lawyer’s for the Arts Organization. Make a “Market History Report”: A Market History Report is an organized account of your touring history. Usually in the form of an excel spreadsheet or Google Sheet, a Market History Report should be searchable, organized, and regularly updated. The Best MHR will include: Show Date & Venue How much money you made Region, City Performance Fee Ticket Sales (#) Ticket Price ($) Scale of 1–5 on Quality of the Performance/Crowd ( subjective measurement) Hypothetical Example of a Market History Report Take out a Musicians Insurance Policy Some homeowner, renters, or automobile insurance policies cover musical items that are taken out of the house, but this is generally not the case. Musicians Insurance covers your instruments, recording gear, sound and light equipment, computer hardware, and various audio accessories. ( here is a very detailed article from my friends at Performance Magazine about choosing Musician’s Insurance) Additionally, standard insurance providers might not recognize the actual value of your gear. And in the event of a large claim, like a break-in, car accident, or venue fire, you will hit a per-category limit on your insurance and you might receive much less than what the gear is worth. You can take out a basic policy for up to $12, 000 worth of gear for a little over 10$ a month. I’m not going to suggest any particular insurance company, but regardless of who you choose you will need to make an itemized list of all your gear. Definitely do some research and get some insurance. Hopefully you won’t need it but if you do, you will be glad you have it. Purchase some Cases for your Gear I know that road cases (I’ve used Georgia Case Company many times — their customer service is exceptional) are expensive, but the cost of the case is usually less than the cost to repair. The road is a vulnerable and dangerous place for your gear. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and protecting your equipment is paramount! Car accidents, trailer problems, sketchy load-in, sketchy neighborhoods, Gear bouncing around and crashing into each other on bumpy roads. Many times you will have to leave your instruments, pedals, and accessories in less than ideal places, like mop closets, dark hallways, or even stacked against a venue wall for extended periods of time. If you are involved in a fast changeover on stage, you might not even be handling your own instrument. Without your gear you have no livelihood. If money is tight, I recommend checking your local pawn shops, who are known for having an excess of musical cases. Also check Ebay for custom sized cases. Inventory List An Inventory List may also be helpful so that you don’t accidentally leave your gear or merchandise at the venue. This is especially helpful at soft-ticket events, like music festivals with quick changeovers and stage hands potentially misplacing your gear. It’s no one’s fault in particular, and it happens all the time. Drums (Hardware, cymbals) Merchandise Boxes Guitar cases, pedal boards, and amps Cables and accessories Personal belongings Prepare a Stage Plot A Stage Plot is a list of Inputs, Outputs, and Stage directions for the venue production staff. Your stage plot should include your stage placement, instruments, amp type, power needed, microphone placement, and a complete and accurate I/O list ( Input/Output). Check out this link for an example of a Stage Plot, courtesy of the Disc Makers Blog Create and Distribute a Tour AdMat / Poster Industry standard size for a tour poster (check out this link for 60 gorgeous Tour Posters) is 11 inches by 17 inches. Your tour poster should have all of your dates with your name/logo displayed prominently. Here’s the catch, venues don’t care about other shows on your tour poster, which is why the artist is also expected to prepare advertising materials to the venue. Ad Mat is an abbreviation of Advertising Material and is usually a derivation of your tour poster. Except, instead of all of your tour dates listed, the poster has empty space for the venue to write in their own information. Venues prefer to write all of this in themselves, and that’s a good thing because this way you only have to prepare 1 Ad Mat to send to each venue. Create a Band Debit Card & Bank Account This is mostly for accounting purposes at the end of the year. Almost every expense on the road can be written off on your taxes ( ESPECIALLY if you are a freelance musician, like I am). Also, being able to look at a list of every expense at the conclusion of a tour will help you build a better budget and see in what areas you need to do better ( such as eating out vs buying groceries, hotel expenses, and so much more). On this note, it also means you can deposit cash on the road. You don’t want to have your van broken into or get robbed and lose $4, 000 in cold cash sitting in your glove box. Regularly putting money into your bank account reduces the risk that you take by being on the road significantly! Create An Effective Merchandise Table Your merch table should function like an in-person marketing funnel (here is an excellent article that breaks down the concept of the Marketing Funnel). When someone walks up to your merch table, that is a pivotal engagement between you and a potential customer! And so you need to make it as easy as possible for your fans to give you their information, make a purchase, or generally connect with your brand. A couple tips about the Merch Table: Collect information for whichever platform you are most comfortable with. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Email marketing. Whatever you choose, make sure you are using their information to your advantage. Invest in some art or decorations for your merch table, such as a fancy price sign, tablecloth, suitcase, etc. You want your merch table to be so beautiful that people take pictures and put it on Pinterest! Quick transactions! Invest in a **POS (** Point Of Sale) system that can quickly process debit card transactions and keep track of inventory. Order at least twice as many mediums and larges as you order smalls, XL’s, and 2XL’s. ( In general, be aware of how much you need of what item on the table! Whether this means keeping an inventory log or just using intuition. ) For more tips, check out this DIY Musician Article about Merch Tables! The secret to selling a shit-load of merch is to understand that the merch table is where consumers buy accessories to the experience. Your consumer often doesn’t really want or need a shirt or as a lighter, or a pair of sunglasses, the consumer wants to take home a piece of the band with them, and so they decide which format of that experience they like the most and then they buy it. Your job as the band is to project the experience of your music into material items that can be manufactured and sold at a 400% margin. You get bonus points if you have things on your merch table that folks actually need, such as ponchos at a rainy outdoor show. Staying Healthy on the Road Do some Exercise and Watch What you Eat! Every time your van stops, get out of the van and stretch. Remaining in stasis ( not moving) can be really damaging on your body and mental health. Keeping your blood moving while on a long drive to your next show is actually incredibly important. Don’t be a lazy bum and nap the whole ride. Hop out and do some jumping jacks or do some stretches. 10 years from now, you will thank yourself for it. Invest in a gym membership for exercise on your off days or some clean showers Cocaine is a hell of a drug Beer does not count as a meal ( neither does coffee) Gas Station food is NOT worth it Group Stretch for morale Warm up before EVERY show Bring a Cooler to save food — this lets you stop at grocery stores instead of gas stations Take care of your touring Vehicle Keep all of your receipts and log your mileage for tax purposes. When you write off your taxes ( in the US), you actually get more money back if you log mileage instead of gas charges, so keep a log of mileage at the beginning and end of your tours. You will also need to know mileage to calculate the depreciation of your van at the end of the year ( another tax write-off). Keep a toolbox and some gloves in the van or trailer for any side-of-the-road repairs… it’s gonna happen! Clean your vehicle before you leave for tour Always have a spare tire Change your transmission fluid every 50, 000 miles ( even when they tell you 100) Keep a toolbox handy for any side-of-the-road repairs Create multiple sets of Van Keys Try your best not to park illegally and get towed/boot Don’t forget to have fun This Article is from the “ 2019 Music Industry Success Series*”. * This eBook is Free! You can grab a copy here. You can also check out my Podcast, Website, or email me at.
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